Oh my goodness!!! After searching and retracing my steps for over 4 hrs in the dark and looking hella creepy to be constantly staring at ground while walking so very slowly, to no avail btw, I finally got my phone back!!!
Who knew I left it in the spot I thought I left it in and someone had picked it up!
Wish I would've known before I came back like 6 times and decided to pry loose the awkwardly glued seat cushion. ... LOL
And you know what? There is always a silver lining and things happen for a reason, sometimes it takes a while to see. I have a newfound belief in the good people of the world They exist!!!! Thank you to those good people and I am so inspired by the little acts of good that are paid forward . I also think I was finally rewarded? (Idk if that's the right word...sounds too serious...) for finally not being a bitter person and actually being genuinely happy for other people even when I am feeling like everything is going wrong : )))
And even though losing my phone is a really materialistic thing to whine about, I'm glad it gave me a chance to rant and remind me to not sweat the little stuff because in the long run there are things much more important: )
Haha this incident was even more good news to me because it even got me to class on time! And that's a first! #mycheeksgettoomuchexercise #ithoughtwaytoomuch #morecheeseanyone
PS: shout out to Akon or whoever it was that found my phone and turned it in to the Daily Bruin office!
Haha yay me for actually reading the Daily Bruin daily, karma is one sassy bitch! #edumacation
Sorry again for bailed plans and special thanks to my lovely roomies that put up with my daily dosage of drama queen and sometimes Debbie downer attitude LOL always ;)))
And a big thank you to everyone that listened to me complain, called, texted, or yelled at me to get that ish together :))
Things are looking up baby:)) #feels #sentfrommyPHONE
ThisJanuary 8th is pretty darn great, 8 is my favorite number too!
Also if anyone has read to the bottom of this message I probably don't have your number anymore because I lost all my contacts in the summer and kinda forgot to ask for numbers so please message me your number: ))...