Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday's for Me.

"cant forget this gem" was literally what I titled this picture in my old computer. Yikes 😅😉😏😂 #noshame #selfies

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday's for Me.

My mind is not here, but still my smile is here. Sure, you can have that.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Launching Brutally Honest: A Campaign for Goodness

We often think that being honest asks of us to unleash negative and hurtful truths that we have been suppressing. And that being #brutallyhonest is even worse, because when we think about being direct and not disguising our thoughts, often times people immediately think the first things that will be said will be ugly and spiteful. But there are actually a LOT more positive thoughts that are floating around in our minds that we never voice and we are never asked to be #brutallyhonest about our auspicious thoughts. Often times many people are hiding the good thoughts, compliments, and little things they notice about one another. I think we should speak up and let everyone know the love that we ARE feeling. It IS present. I am encouraging everyone to be #brutallyhonest with themselves and with our loved ones. By that, I mean to encourage us all to speak up as often as we can and let us make our positivity louder than the negativity. Tell someone you love them as often as you can. Let them know they are lovely inside and out. Sometimes we forget how amazing and warm this world can be. But it is oh so important to remember how loved we are and how much we love. Sometimes it feels good to know that someone is thinking about you and you'd be surprised how much a little bit of love can stretch. And in this sometimes unsociable era, when it seems that we are wired to tear each other down instead of bringing one another up, being #brutallyhonest can remind us to stop and be mindful of all of our presence. Let us all take a moment to celebrate one another.