Saturday, August 3, 2013

Normal days can be something of a silver lining.

You just have to know how to look.

In this mess that we call life, sometimes its hard and even strange to sit down and stare at nothing.  (People will probably pass by and stare right back at you.  Believe me it has happened.)  I have work, class, this, that, and another.  I have people mad at me or expecting something from me on one end and then I have to face myself at the end of it all.  Most of the time I'm so caught up in my own crap I can't tell which tabs open on my computer are for what.  Eventually, I end up saying, "Fuck it all, I'm going on YouTube."  That's just a trivial example of how I drag my feet everyday, and then end up avoiding everything and coming up with crazy excuses.  Bottom line is I'm sick of the daily not so uniform routine, ironic huh?  The same classes, people, and scene but everyday I get served with something new to tackle.

But then again, who isn't struggling?  Who isn't fed up with their own set of problems these days?  And the more I complain the worse I feel because by venting to other people, I open up their can of worms and inadvertently put their sorrows on my shoulders.

So when I get around to a seemingly normal day I am all to happy.  But what the hell is normal...  I guess its all how you define "normal."  It's a matter of the mind and all how you look at it.  Maybe it could be the day when my socks don't sag in my shoes.  Maybe it's those few days I'm on time for everything.  Or maybe it's when I have a great meal with great company.  One things for certain, I have to stop taking for granted the simple things and learn to recognize its grandeur as it happens because those are the markers of what makes my day normal.  And when I have those days, the one day out of a week if I'm lucky, I am unstoppable. (And those are my only days of narcissism......I promise.)

But hey, it's easier said than done right?  So I guess I gotta come up with a new mantra and keep repeating it to myself to remind myself to walk the talk.

So my new mantra, "when life hands you a big gold pile of shit, just you wait, you will get that silver."

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